I made a simple script that converts pdfs inside the current directory to images. I want to make it into a standalone .exe
file so that someone who doesn't have python installed on his PC can use it.
The problem is that pyinstaller
fails to include poppler
to the exe file so pdf2image
does not run correctly and the built exe fails. Here's the error message:
pdf2image.exceptions.PDFInfoNotInstalledError: Unable to get page count. Is poppler installed and in PATH? [32024] Failed to execute script bulk_pdf2img
I'm currently working on conda environment that has pyinstaller
and pdf2image
and poppler
installed from conda install
command. It works just fine when I execute the python script from the prompt but when the script is converted to exe, it raises the above error.
I tried the following approaches:
1. Add --add-data
I tried to add poppler
data by doing this.
$ pyinstaller --onedir --add-data="C:/Users/myusername/anaconda3/pkgs/poppler-0.89.0-h20e2fe3_4/Library/include/poppler/*;./poppler" bulk_pdf2img.py
Doesn't work.
2. Add additional-hooks-dir
I added projectdirectory/hooks/hook-pdf2image.py
that has
from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import collect_all
data, binaries, hiddenimports = collect_all('pdf2image')
inside and ran
$ pyinstaller --onefile --additional-hooks-dir=hooks bulk_pdf2img.py
Also doesn't work.
I googled almost every Stackoverflow question that is apparently having the exact same problem as I am but couldn't find any valid solution. What should I do now?
From the docs
You will then have to add the
folder toPATH
or usepoppler_path = r"C:\path\to\poppler-xx\bin"
as an argument inconvert_from_path
Now, if you are using the --onefile
option of pyinstaller
it will unpack all the files into a temporary folder during the execution, you might want to look into this answer and the related post, to get the path right.
You can do any of the following
Execute this at the beginning to add the bin
folder of poppler