I have a postgres database with a table called gps_points
. This table has a column index
, latitude
and longitude
Using the following command I have been able to add and populate a point geometry column point_geom
ALTER TABLE gps_points ADD COLUMN point_geom geometry(Point, 4326);
UPDATE gps_points SET point_geom = ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(longitude, latitude), 4326);
Now I would like to create linestrings based on these points. I was hoping I could achieve this by the following command:
ALTER TABLE gps_points ADD COLUMN line_geom geometry(Linestring,4326);
INSERT INTO gps_points (line_geom)
SELECT ST_MakeLine (gps.point_geom ORDER BY index) AS line_geom
FROM gps_points AS gps
GROUP BY gps.index;
However, all rows in the resulting column show the following error:
DBCException: Invalid number of points in LineString (found 1 - must be 0 or >= 2)
Anyone a suggestion what I'm missing?
In your screenshot we can see that there is only a single record per index
(which is btw not a recommended label for a column) and the error message says that you need more than one point in order to have a proper LineString
. That being said, you have to either look for another column to GROUP BY
your points, or just create a single line with the entire table:
SELECT ST_MakeLine(point_geom ORDER BY index) FROM gps_points;
index SERIAL,
latitude NUMERIC,
longitude NUMERIC
Inserting three distinct points
Creating the geometry column and populating it as you posted
ALTER TABLE gps_points ADD COLUMN point_geom geometry(Point, 4326);
UPDATE gps_points SET point_geom = ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(longitude, latitude), 4326);
Creating a LineString based on the three points above
SELECT ST_MakeLine(point_geom ORDER BY index) FROM gps_points;
If you need to create a table to access it from a GIS, just run ..
CREATE TABLE my_long_linestring AS
SELECT ST_MakeLine(point_geom ORDER BY index) FROM gps_points;
.. and open this new table in your GIS:
Note: PostGIS will allow you to create a LineString with a single point (see example bellow), but it would maybe create other problems in your system.. specially in viewers.
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_MakeLine('SRID=4326;POINT(1 2)'::geometry));