I am trying to have TYPO3 10.4.12 generate webp images as described in the example on this page: https://docs.typo3.org/c/typo3/cms-core/master/en-us/Changelog/10.3/Feature-90416-SpecificTargetFileExtensionInImage-relatedViewHelpers.html
{f:uri.image(image:images.0, fileExtension: 'webp')}
I am using GraphicsMagick and with gm version
I get
WebP yes
and converting a picture to webp manually via command line works.
Also cwebp is installed.
If I try fileExtension: 'png'
it generates a png file so the parameter seems to work.
However the image does not get converted, instead the original unprocessed image gets referenced.
The main problem seems to have been that I needed to add webp to the [GFX][imagefile_ext]
Additionally sometimes it only worked after removing all generated images under Remove Temporary Assets
in the Maintenance section.