I found that the options.name
and options.replyTo
cannot be set to the new draft, while it works properly in direct sending.
is the result normal? OR any problems in the below code?
function pdfToClient(recipients, cliName, docblob, draftORsent){
var subject = 'Quotation is attched';
var string = 'Dear '+ cliName + ', <br><br> Please find the quotation as attached. <br><br>Regards,<br>ABC Company';
var options = {};
options.name = 'ABC Company';
options.replyTo = 'k@abc.com';
options.htmlBody = string;
options.attachments = [docblob];
if (draftORsent=='sent') {
MailApp.sendEmail(recipients, subject, string, options);
} else if (draftORsent=='draft') {
GmailApp.createDraft(recipients, subject, string, options);
As the name suggests, createDraft(recipient, subject, body, options) is used to create a new draft.
If you want to update an existing draft email, then you need to use update(recipient, subject, body, options).
For example, this
var draft = GmailApp.getDrafts()[0];
draft.update(recipient, subject, body, options)
will update the first draft message in the drafts folder.
to update it.