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How to check if a page content is loaded in Python using urllib?

I'm trying to get content from a url and parse the response using BeautyfulSoup.

This url when loaded it retrieves my favourite watchlist items, the problem is that when the site loads it takes a couple of seconds to displays the data in a table, so when I run urlopen(my_url) the response has no table, therefore my parsing method fails.

I'm trying to keep it simple as I'm learning the language so I would like to use the tools I've already setup in me code so based on what I have I wonder if there is a way to wait, or check when the content is ready for me to be able to fetch the data (table content).

Here is my code:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
from urllib.request import urlopen as ureq
from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError

URL = 'url route goes here' # In compliance to SO rules I've removed the website path

def get_dom_from_url():
        u_client = ureq(URL)
        html =
    except HTTPError as e:
        print(f'There has been an HTTP ERROR: {e.code}')
    except URLError as e:
        print(f'There has been a problem reaching the URL. ERROR: {e.code}')
DOM loaded!
        return html

dom = soup(get_dom_from_url(), 'html.parser')

# Crawl the dom object and get the table thead element
col_names = [col.text for col in dom.table.thead.find_all('th')]
col_names = col_names[1:-2]

This is the error message:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-102-625de133b2e2> in <module>
----> 1 col_names = [col.text for col in dom.table.thead.find_all('th')]
      2 col_names = col_names[1:-2]
      3 col_names

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'thead'

The code above works, when I load the url without the route, but I need it because I need to store the same data for an ETL pipeline I working on.

If there is no way to achieve this using only urllib I would like to hear your suggestions.


  • Actually you don't need to use Selenium here. The data is embedded in the source html in the <script> tags in a valid json format. Just need to parse that:

    import requests
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    import json
    import pandas as pd
    url = ''
    response = requests.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
    jsonStr = soup.find('script', {'id':'__NEXT_DATA__'}).text
    jsonData = json.loads(jsonStr)
    data = jsonData['props']['initialProps']['pageProps']['fetchedWatchlist']['cryptoCurrencies']
    rows = []
    for each in data:
        quotes_row = each.pop('quotes')[0]
        if 'platform' in each.keys():
    df = pd.DataFrame(rows)


         id name symbol          slug  status  rank  marketPairCount  circulatingSupply   totalSupply     maxSupply               lastUpdated                 dateAdded         price     volume24h     marketCap  percentChange1h  percentChange24h  percentChange7d
    0     1  USD    BTC       bitcoin  active     1             9717       1.863544e+07  1.863544e+07  2.100000e+07  2021-02-22T09:37:02.000Z  2013-04-28T00:00:00.000Z  55579.249971  5.656584e+10  1.035744e+12        -1.232746         -1.234765        16.978174
    1  1027  USD    ETH      ethereum  active     2             5982       1.147732e+08  1.147732e+08           NaN  2021-02-22T09:37:02.000Z  2015-08-07T00:00:00.000Z   1855.072456  2.450605e+10  2.129125e+11        -1.373583         -4.104364         5.315240
    2  1839  USD    BNB  binance-coin  active     3              469       1.545328e+08  1.705328e+08  1.705328e+08  2021-02-22T09:37:11.000Z  2017-07-25T00:00:00.000Z    272.095668  6.811884e+09  4.204770e+10        -2.381284          2.937286       109.533310
    3   825  USD   USDT        tether  active     4            10829       3.445054e+10  3.570817e+10           NaN  2021-02-22T09:37:08.000Z  2015-02-25T00:00:00.000Z      0.999576  1.087710e+11  3.443593e+10        -0.061248         -0.023795        -0.074917
    4  6636  USD    DOT  polkadot-new  active     5              145       9.103144e+08  1.045967e+09           NaN  2021-02-22T09:36:05.000Z  2020-08-19T00:00:00.000Z     37.503515  3.257901e+09  3.413999e+10        -1.327435         -2.635214        40.263648
    5  2010  USD    ADA       cardano  active     6              231       3.111248e+10  4.500000e+10  4.500000e+10  2021-02-22T09:37:09.000Z  2017-10-01T00:00:00.000Z      1.040491  6.621492e+09  3.237226e+10        -1.594681         -7.316003        25.951127
    6    52  USD    XRP           xrp  active     7              673       4.540403e+10  9.999083e+10  1.000000e+11  2021-02-22T09:38:03.000Z  2013-08-04T00:00:00.000Z      0.581321  1.102498e+10  2.639430e+10        -1.640063         11.286157         2.731301
    7     2  USD    LTC      litecoin  active     8              754       6.653055e+07  6.653055e+07  8.400000e+07  2021-02-22T09:38:02.000Z  2013-04-28T00:00:00.000Z    216.783950  6.530638e+09  1.442276e+10        -2.134667         -3.477237         5.932102
    8  1975  USD   LINK     chainlink  active     9              471       4.085096e+08  1.000000e+09  1.000000e+09  2021-02-22T09:37:11.000Z  2017-09-20T00:00:00.000Z     32.145503  1.885830e+09  1.313174e+10        -1.378857         -5.152372        -0.036835
    9  1831  USD    BCH  bitcoin-cash  active    10              581       1.866177e+07  1.866177e+07  2.100000e+07  2021-02-22T09:37:07.000Z  2017-07-23T00:00:00.000Z    679.047253  5.800439e+09  1.267222e+10        -1.298651         -0.162108        -1.595937