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gulp add pipe to convert to Vinyl objects

I have upgraded to gulp 4.0.2 version I need to update one of the tasks

const debug = require('gulp-debug');
const i18nextParser = require('i18next-parser');

function myTask() {
  return gulp
    .src(['./js/**/*.js', './js/**/*.jsx'])
        locales: ['en', 'de'],
        functions: ['translate'],
        output: '/opt/locales/'

I want these files to be converted to Vinyl objects:

[17:04:32] gulp-debug: opt/locales/de/translation.json
[17:04:32] gulp-debug: opt/locales/de/translation_old.json
[17:04:32] gulp-debug: opt/locales/en/translation.json
[17:04:32] gulp-debug: opt/locales/en/translation_old.json

otherwise I have and error

Error: Received a non-Vinyl object in `dest()`

Is there a function that I can pipe to in order to make this task work properly?

i18next-parser version is 0.7.0. Upgrading to latest 3.6.0 version doesn't produce any output at all.


  • So I solved this by adding extra step using gulp-map

    const map = require('gulp-map');
    const Vinyl = require('vinyl');
      return gulp
        .src(['./js/*.js', './js/*.jsx'])
            locales: ['en', 'de'],
            functions: ['translate'],
            output: JSON_DIR
        .pipe(map(function(file) {
          // Explicitly convert to Vinyl object otherwise `gulp.dest()` will fail
          return new Vinyl(file);