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How to get text from individual users

I'm trying to make a notes command for specific users, but my Discord bot makes the notes any note that a user public has said. How do I fix this? I already know the problem with my code, but I don't know how to fix it.

if (command == "Note") {
   const notes = db.fetch('userInfo');
   while (!args[0]) return"Here are your notes: " + notes);
   db.set('userInfo', args.join(' '));' ')) + (" successfully noted!"));


  • You have a row called userInfo, this row gets updated whenever someone executes the command. If you want it to link with a user, you're better of using the id of the user because everyone has a different ID. I suggest using something like:

       const notes = db.fetch(`userInfo.${}`)
       while (!args[0]) return"Here are your notes: " + notes )
       db.set('userInfo.${}', args.join(' '))' ') + " successfully noted!")