I have a very simple release pipeline using newman test, and publish the results.
The "Publish Test Results" was successful and I can access the results via the link inside.
However, when I try to access the results via "Tests" tab, I got this error.
TFS.WebApi.Exception: System field FailingSince not found
Anyone know why? Thanks.
PS: Currently, I'm using version 1.* for "Publish Test Results". If I switch to version 2.*, I will get another set of error here: ticket
You can use the stored process below to resolve the issue.
Find the dataspace ID and partition ID from the below query on the collection DB
SELECT PartitionId, DataspaceId FROM dbo.tbl_Project where PartitionId >0 and ProjectName = ‘<tfs project name>’
Use the partitionID and dataspaceID from above query on the fields table to see if the appropriate FailingSince field is present
SELECT * FROM tbl_TestFieldsEx WHERE PartitionId =<partitionID> AND DataspaceId = <dataspaceID>
This should not return a row with the field for FailingSince
Update the table as below
insert into @p3 values(N'StackTrace',12,0,1,1)
insert into @p3 values(N'FailingSince',12,0,1,1)
insert into @p3 values(N'Comment',12,0,1,1)
insert into @p3 values(N'ErrorMessage',12,0,1,1)
insert into @p3 values(N'OutcomeConfidence',6,0,1,1)
insert into @p3 values(N'TestRunSystem',12,1,0,1)
insert into @p3 values(N'AttemptId',8,0,1,1)
insert into @p3 values(N'UnsanitizedTestCaseTitle',12,0,1,1)
insert into @p3 values(N'UnsanitizedAutomatedTestName',12,0,1,1)
insert into @p3 values(N'TestResultGroupType',12,0,1,1)
insert into @p3 values(N'MaxReservedSubResultId',8,0,1,1)
exec prc_AddTestExtensionFields @partitionId=<partitionID>,@dataspaceId=<dataspaceID>,@fieldsTable=@p3
This should update at least one row
Run the above-read query again to see that the FailingSince field is present.
SELECT * FROM tbl_TestFieldsEx WHERE PartitionId =<partitionID> AND DataspaceId = <dataspaceID>
This should not return a row with the field for FailingSince