I want to post a notification when a member of the guild (discord server if you prefer) start streaming (twitch, youtube...) but I have trouble to use https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#streaming. Can you tell me for exemple how to retrieve the stream URL of a user using this class ?
When I print user.activities
, I only get the stream name because I'm using the class Activities. But how to use the class Streaming from the link I provided you to retrieve informations about the stream of users ?
is a tuple of discord.BaseActivities
, you can loop through them and check if it's a discord.Streaming
instance and use the url
member = # Any `discord.Member` instance
acts = member.activities
for act in acts: # Looping though every activity
if isinstance(act, discord.Streaming): # Making sure it's the correct activity
url = act.url
You can also use the Member.activity
attribute if the user has only one activity
act = member.activity
if isinstance(act, discord.Streaming):
url = act.url