I want to scrape this website https://www.weisse-liste-pflege.de/ if we search like berlin in the search bar and open the developer tool and in the network tab a post request is made to Graphql and it contains all the data in JSON and I want that data. here is my code.
import requests
url = 'https://www.weisse-liste-pflege.de/graphql'
r = requests.post(url)
<Response [500]>
any please guide me how I can achieve json data
You need to pass the payload seen in Request Payload
section as json
parameter in your request.
import requests
data = {"operationName":"getAdvisoryOfficeDetails","variables":{"lat":"52.51767","lon":"13.40553"},"query":"query getAdvisoryOfficeDetails($lat: String, $lon: String) {\n advisoryOffice(lat: $lat, lon: $lon) {\n status\n msg\n href\n result_count\n data {\n address\n city\n contact {\n contact_name\n email\n telephone\n }\n distance\n href\n id\n name\n provider\n state\n updated\n url\n zip\n }\n }\n}\n"}
response = requests.post('https://www.weisse-liste-pflege.de/graphql', json=data)
# {"data":{"advisoryOffice":{"status":200,"msg":"Request successful.","href":"https://www.zqp.de/beratung-pflege/?lat=52.51767&lng=13.40553&filter=3+13+14","result_count":1,"data":[{"address":"Fischerinsel 3","city":"Berlin","contact":[{"contact_name":null,"email":null,"telephone":"030-20454615"}],"distance":"0.5324999652222573","href":null,"id":"BE-0143","name":"Rat & Tat für Ältere Menschen","provider":"Mehrgenerationenhaus Berlin Mitte - KREATIVHAUS e.V.","state":"BE","updated":"2018-02-19 12:53:13","url":"http://www.kreativhaus-berlin.de/web/rat-tat","zip":"10179"}]}}}
To get data from other locations, you can change coordinates