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Filter NSSCrollView using date

I'm having problem filtering an NSScrollViews contents using it's date column.

I have an Entity that it's contains several attributes, such as Name , AccountNumber , DateOfPurchase , etc. This entity is bound to an NSArraycontroller.

Also, I have an NSScrollView that it's columns is bounded to this NSArrayController.

The problem is that I want to filter this NSScrollView records to show just the records that they are limited by interval of 2 date. ( like : after 10/02/2010 and before 05/05/2011 )

What should I do to do this ?


  • Problem solved using FilterPredicate :

        NSDate *afterDate=[balanceDateAfter objectValue];
        NSDate *beforeDate=[balanceDateBefore  objectValue];
        NSComparisonResult duration=[beforeDate timeIntervalSinceDate:afterDate];
        NSLog(@"After Date is : %@",afterDate);
        NSLog(@"Before Date is : %@",beforeDate);
        [checkInBalanceArray setFilterPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(checkDate >= %@) AND (checkDate <= %@)", afterDate, beforeDate]];
        [checkOutBalanceArray setFilterPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(checkDate >= %@) AND (checkDate <= %@)", afterDate, beforeDate]];