I am trying to migrate some code from MATLAB to python and I am having trouble understanding why the following code does not work.
import numpy as np
ngrid = 56
A = np.random.randint(10, size =(ngrid*ngrid,2))
A_tmp = A
B = np.random.randint(10,size =(ngrid*ngrid,2,2) )
for jj in range(ngrid*ngrid):
A[jj,:] = A_tmp[jj,:]*B[jj,:,:].conj()
When I execute this code I get the error.
ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (2,2) into shape (2,)
I am not understanding why this is giving me a one dimensional array vs a (ngrid*ngrid,2)
The MATLAB code I am trying to recreate for is
for jj = 1:ngrid^2
Psi0(jj, :) = Psi0_tmp(jj, :)*dia2adi(:,:, jj)';
Any guidance on theory and how to correct my code would be very helpful.
In numpy, the multiplication symbol is always element-wise (like .*
in Matlab). For matrix multiplication, use @
Also, you can do exponentiation in Python with **
Therefore, if you change the loop to the code below, it works.
for jj in range(ngrid**2):
A[jj,:] = A_tmp[jj,:] @ B[jj,:,:].conj()