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Send another variable using jquery/ajax

This is my code

 $(function () {
                    source: function (request, response) {

                            url: '/Home/UserNameAutoComplete',
                                "{ 'username': '" + request.term + "'}",
  • I want to send another variable txtLastName.val()

i tried doing this

 data: { term: request.term, agency:$('#txtLastName').val())}

But its giving me an error:

<title>Invalid JSON primitive: term.</title>


  • The error you reported is due to a typo:

    data: { term: request.tem, agency:$('#txtLastName').val())}

    You will see that request.tem does not exists. You want to call request.term.

    Assuming your script can accept it, you can do the following.

    $(function () {
        source: function (request, response) {
            url: '/Home/UserNameAutoComplete',
            data: {
              username: request.term,
              agency: $('#txtLastName').val()
            success: function(data){

    I notice in your example, you're sending a text string: "{ 'username': '" + request.term + "'}" which is a little strange. If that is truely what you need to send, it would be something like:

    data: "{ 'username': '" + request.term + "', 'agency': '" + $('#txtLastName').val() + "'}"

    I suggest testing my first solution.