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How to make the kubernetes pods unable to decrypt the kubernetes secrets without a key?

The end goal I'm trying to achieve is to create a kubernetes secret (potentially with a key) and a pod which uses that. But the catch is, the pod created should not be able to decode/decrypt the secret value without a particular key. I have tried the secrets with data encryption at rest but that's not sufficient for my requirement.


  • Edit: I am trying to making this as step by step solution. (as asked by @Dawid in comments)

    1. Encrypt your data using your-key (your encryption-logic, probably, in a script).
    ./ --key your-key --data your-data
    1. Create a secret of this encrypted data
    kubectl create secret generic your-secret-name --from-literal=secretdata=your-encrypted-data 
    1. You could add decryption logic like this in your pod ( either as a sidecar or initContainer)
    # will decode base64 then your decryption logic using your-key
    ./ --key your-key --data /var/my-secrets 
    1. Also you need to mount this secret as volume to your container .
          - image: "image"
            name: app
              - mountPath: "/var/my-secrets"
                name: my-secret
            - name: my-secret
                secretName: your-secret-name