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Python: Saving GeoJSON after convertion from JSON as a JSON/GeoJSON

Note this Question is a continuation of this:

Converting JSON to QGIS GeoJSON: while having multiple features and different types

After some help I managed to convert some JSON to GeoJSON that should be readable in QGIS. The thing is the functions are made I still need to save the files to test them.

The thing is While I know how to save JSON files even making a special function for it, I do not how to save this JSON files altered, currently I am saving these JSON files unaltered but now I want to save them altered.

import requests
import json
import os
import glob
import shutil

# response = requests.get("", params = {"CRS": "Lambert72"})

# text = json.dumps(response.json(),sort_keys=True, indent=4)
# print(text)

# f = open("text.json", "wt")
# f.write(text)
# print(response.status_code)

def process_location_data(location_json):
    """Converts the data point into required geojson format"""

    # assigning variable to store geometry details
    geometery_details = location_json.get("location").get("geometery")
    # geometery_details.pop("crs")  # removes the "crs" from geometry

    # includes city and location_coordinates
    location_details = {
        "cities": location_json.get("location").get("cities"),
        "coordinate": location_json.get("location").get("coordinate")

    # EndDateTime
    end_datetime = location_json.get("EndDateTime")

    # StarDateTime
    start_datetime = location_json.get("StarDateTime")

    # State
    state = location_json.get("State")

    # gipodId
    gipod_id = location_json.get("gipodId")

    # adding all these details into another dict
    properties = {
        "gipodId": gipod_id,
        "StartDateTime": start_datetime,
        "EndDateTime": end_datetime,
        "state": state,
        "location": location_details

    # creating the final dict to be returned.
    geojson_data_point = {
        "type": "Feature",
        "geometry": geometery_details,
        "properties": properties

    return geojson_data_point

def process_all_location_data(all_location_points):
    For all the points in the location details we will  
    create the feature collection

    feature_collection = {
        "type": "FeatureCollection",
        "features": []
    }  # creates dict with zero features.

    for data_point in all_location_points:

    return feature_collection

def fetch_details(url: str, file_name: str):
    # Makes request call to get the data of detail
    response = requests.get(url)
    folder_path = 'api_request_jsons/fetch_details/JSON unfiltered'
    text = json.dumps(response.json(), sort_keys=False, indent=4)
    save_file(folder_path, file_name, text)
    return response.json()

    # save_file(folder_path,GipodId,text2)

    # any other processe

def fetch_points(url: str):
    response = requests.get(url)
    folder_path = 'api_request_jsons/fetch_points'
    text = json.dumps(response.json(), sort_keys=False, indent=4)
    print("Points Fetched, going to next step")
    i = 1
    for obj in response.json():
        # Printing object id for confirmation
        print("fetching object detais from gipodId " + str(obj.get("gipodId")))
        file_name = str(obj.get("gipodId"))
        # Getting the object details
        all_location_points = [fetch_details(obj.get("detail"), file_name)]
    save_file(folder_path, 'points', text)
    feature_collection_json = process_all_location_data(all_location_points)
    return feature_collection_json
    # text2 = text[int('coordinate')]
    # print(text2)

def save_file(save_path: str, file_name: str, file_information: str):
    completeName = os.path.join(save_path, file_name + ".json")
    file1 = open(completeName, "wt")

api_response_url = ""

So how do I do this with save_file function I made?


  • I have kind of found the answer to my question I am posting the code here below. It was kind of obvious how I should have done it but it was kind of mess to see where I have should put my save command.

    import requests
    import json
    import os
    import glob
    import shutil
    def process_location_data(location_json): 
       """Converts the data point into required geojson format"""
       # assigning variable to store geometry details
       geometery_details = location_json.get("location").get("geometery")
       #geometery_details.pop("crs")  # removes the "crs" from geometry
       # includes city and location_coordinates
       location_details = {
         "cities": location_json.get("location").get("cities"),
         "coordinate": location_json.get("location").get("coordinate")
       end_datetime = location_json.get("EndDateTime")
       start_datetime = location_json.get("StarDateTime")
       state = location_json.get("State")
       gipod_id = location_json.get("gipodId")
       #adding all these details into another dict
       properties = {
         "gipodId": gipod_id,
         "StartDateTime": start_datetime,
         "EndDateTime": end_datetime,
         "state": state,
         "location": location_details
       # creating the final dict to be returned.
       geojson_data_point = {
           "type": "Feature",
           "geometry" : geometery_details,
           "properties": properties
       return geojson_data_point
    def process_all_location_data(all_location_points):
        For all the points in the location details we will  
        create the feature collection
        feature_collection = {
             "type": "FeatureCollection",
             "features": []
        } #creates dict with zero features.
        for data_point in all_location_points:
        return feature_collection
    def fetch_details(url: str, file_name: str):
          # Makes request call to get the data of detail
            response = requests.get(url)
            print("Sending Request for details of gpodId: " + file_name)
            folder_path ='api_request_jsons/fetch_details/JSON unfiltered'
            text = json.dumps(response.json(),sort_keys=False, indent=4)
            print("Details extracted for: "+ file_name)
            return response.json()
            # save_file(folder_path,GipodId,text2)
            # any other processe
    def fetch_points(url: str):
           response = requests.get(url)
           folder_path ='api_request_jsons/fetch_points'
           text = json.dumps(response.json(),sort_keys=False, indent=4)
           print("Points Fetched, going to next step: Extracting details")
           for obj in response.json():
             all_location_points = [fetch_details(obj.get("detail"),str(obj.get("gipodId")))]
           feature_collection_json = process_all_location_data(all_location_points)
           text2 = json.dumps(process_all_location_data(all_location_points))
           folder_path2 = "api_request_jsons/fetch_details/Coordinates"
           file_name2 = "Converted"
           return feature_collection_json
    def save_file(save_path: str, file_name: str, file_information: str):
            completeName = os.path.join(save_path, file_name +".json")
            print(completeName + " saved")
            file1 = open(completeName, "wt")
    api_response_url = ""

    But now after testing the Converted JSON file in QGIS I have found that these JSON returns as GeoJSON without geometry. I have other problems, but you can find that in the previous topic.