I'm utilizing Grafana with InfluxDB as the database.
Say I have the following query
SELECT MIN("field_1"), MAX("field_1") FROM "measurement" WHERE $timeFilter
but I would like the user the ability to view the MEAN in the same panel instead
SELECT MEAN("field_1") FROM "measurement" WHERE $timeFilter
Is there a way to accomplish this? Ideally the solution would be agnostic to field_1
as I'd like to use it across multiple panels with different fields.
Create Grafana dashboard variable e.g. function
with values, which match InfluxDB functions: MIN,MAX,MEAN,COUNT,LAST,...
and then use that variable in the Grafana InfluxDB query:
SELECT ${function:raw}("field_1") FROM "measurement" WHERE $timeFilter
so Grafana generates correct InfluxDB query syntax.
Even field can be dashboard variable, which can be automatically discovered with InfluxDB query SHOW FIELD KEYS