Base on this thread I have a dropdown menu which shows the chosen value in sentence of the next question of the form. Now I would also like, when one of the values is chosen, another question of the form shows some other text in the sentence, like this:
Year is dropdown value and amount is the conditional text what should be shown in the question (paragraph).
2020: 30.846,- 2019: 30.360,- 2018: 30.000,- 2017: 25.000,- 2016: 24.437,-
I've learned how to managed this with the value, but not with different text depending of the chosen value.
The code I now have to get the years:
<p>Did you unsubscribed yourself in <span id="recent-years"></span>?</p>
[radio radio-uitgeschreven-nl class:inline-control "Yes" "No"]
And to get the years:
jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ){
$('select[name="recent-years"]').on('change', function(){
function updateParagraph(){
// Assign variable $placeholder to the chosen value
let $placeholder = $('select[name="recent-years"]').val();
// replace 'your-field-name' with the cf7 field name
$('input[name="ba-maanden"]').attr('placeholder', $placeholder);
//New code to also add to the form html
The input field ba-maanden is for something else. So that's why you see this also here.
So I would like when someone selects a specific year they'll see another amount like mentioned above in this question:
<p>Do you have endowment insurance or savings account of more than 30.846 EUR?</p>
[radio radio-kapitaal-spaar class:inline-control "Ja" "Nee"]
I guess I can put the amount between something like <span>year-amount</span>
. But how can I pull the amount depending on the chosen year?
Any help would be very much appreciated!
Best regards,
Like this ?
$('select[name="recent-years"]').on('change', function(){
$('input[name="confirm-insurance"]').on('change', function(){
function changeQuestion(object, selector){
let currentParagraph = $(object).closest('.question');
let currentValue = $(object).val();
let nextParagraph = $(object).closest('.question').next('.question');
$(currentParagraph).fadeOut("slow", function() {
.hide {
<script src=""></script>
<p class="question">
Did you unsubscribed yourself in
<span id="recent-years">
<select name="recent-years">
<option selected="true" disabled="disabled">Select year</option>
<option value="30.846">2020</option>
<option value="30.360">2019</option>
</span> ?
<p class="question hide">
Do you have endowment insurance or savings account of more than <span class="lastAnswer"></span> ?<br>Yes <input type="radio" name="confirm-insurance" value="yes"> No <input type="radio" name="confirm-insurance" value="no">
<p class="question hide">
Your answer is <span class="lastAnswer"></span>.