//take message from ibm mq
@JmsListener(destination = "${ibm.mq.ackqueue}", concurrency="${ibm.mq.concurrency}")
public void receive(Message message){//get playload}
public Function<Response, EventDto> transformEvent() {
//take response from ibm mq
//then process and send eventdto to rabbit mq from spring cloud stream approach
this two methods are need functional approach.
Since you're receiving message from arbitrary resource (JMS in this case) and you want to use s-c-stream to send such message to RabbitMQ, you can use a component that is specifically designed for that case - StreamBridge
Simply autowire it and use it inside of the receive method to send a Message to Rabbit (providing rabbit binder is on the classpath)
You don't need
public Function<Response, EventDto> transformEvent() {
//take response from ibm mq
//then process and send eventdto to rabbit mq from spring cloud stream approach
You can find more information here