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handler path in Nest.js

I have this PATCH request: http://localhost:3000/tasks/566-344334-3321/status.

With the handler for that request:

updateTaskStatus() { // do stuff 
    return "got through";

I dont understand the mechanics behind the stem part and how the correct handler gets assigned to handle the request.

So from /566-344334-3321/status
The id part is /566-344334-3321 which can be any value.
But the stem ending /status needs to be exactly /status.
If not, a "error": "Not Found" occurs.

What is the underlying logic behind this behavior ?


  • To get your id parameter, you need to use the @Param decorator to assign the :id in your request to a typescript number.

    Here is how you'r supposed to write your updateTaskStatus function according to the NestJS documentation about Route Parameters

    updateTaskStatus(@Param('id') id: number) { 
        return `Got ${id} through`;

    If you question was to use the status as a dynamic value like id, you need to apply the same decorator to your parameter

    updateTaskStatus(@Param('id') id: number, @Param('status') status: string) { 
        return `Got ${id} and ${status} through`;

    The NestJS documentation is very good and complete, don't hesitate to read the documentation about the controllers