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Is there a way to pull labels from a separate table in tbl_summary?

I am using tbl_summary from the gtsummary package to create publication tables summarizing long lists of categorical data from a data table. For publication purposes, tbl_summary allows assigning human readable variable labels instead of variable names using the argument

label = grade ~ "Tumor Grade"

and for multiple variables in the form of a list:

label = list(api00 ~ "API in 2000",
             api99 ~ "API in 1999",
             api98 ~ "API in 1998")

However, I have hundreds of variables and the variable names with the corresponding human readable lables are stored in another table altogether.

How can I create a list of the format above (ie. var_name ~ "Variable label") from a separate table with those values and pass it into tbl_summary label as argument?

In other words, I have a table of the format:

var1       First variable
var2       Second variable
...        ...
var159     Hundred fifty ninth variable

Is there a way to read this table and pass the arguments to the label function of tbl_summary as a list:

label = list(VAR_NAME ~ "VAR_LABEL")

Thanks in advance.


  • I think you're best bet will be to save the variable labels as a named list. They are a bit easier to work with, and you can pass the named list to any label argument in gtsummary.

    #> [1] '1.3.6'
    list_of_labels <-
      list(age = "Patient Age, yrs",
           grade = "Path. Tumor Grade")
    tbl <-
      trial %>%
      select(age, grade) %>%
      tbl_summary(label = list_of_labels)
    # convert a data frame into a list
    data.frame(variable = c("age", "grade"),
               label = c("Patient Age, yrs", "Path. Tumor Grade")) %>%
      tibble::deframe() %>%
    #> $age
    #> [1] "Patient Age, yrs"
    #> $grade
    #> [1] "Path. Tumor Grade"

    enter image description here

    Created on 2021-02-20 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)