I need to compile a set of Go + C code into both 64 bit and 32 bit exe under my 64 bit windows system. My compiler is TDM-GCC-64 9.2.0. The compilation was smooth for 64 bits and a .exe file was created.
But the compilation failed after I set
$Env:GOARCH = 386
to get a 32 bit exe file. The error msg was "main.go:4:2: build constraints exclude all Go files in C:\Users\xxx\test\src". The directory \src contains a test c function and go function to call c.
Please help. Thanks.
Eventually I figured out it is key to set up four relevant env variables properly, the 32 bit program can be compiled smoothly.
$env:GOGCCFLAGS="-m32 -mthreads -fmessage-length=0"
go build -x -buildmode=c-shared -o xxx.so main.go