I have installed SublimeLinter-flake8. I would like to exclude the W191 warning when I am using SublimeLinter with flake8
. I have checked the SublimeLinter docs and tried adding "--ignore W191"
to my user settings file and reloaded plugins but I still get warned about the usage of tabs.
The following is my Packages/User/SublimeLinter.sublime-settings
// SublimeLinter Settings - User
"linters": {
"linter_name" : {
"args" : "--ignore W191"
I checked this answer on StackOverflow but I would like it to be applied from the settings file.
The linter_name
has to be the specific plugin you're looking to configure (in this case flake8
) -- try this:
"linters": {
"flake8" : {
"args" : "--ignore W191"
though realistically, it is probably better to configure your flake8 settings in flake8's configuration such that contributors to your project can work on your project without your specific sublimetext settings. I believe sublimetext's invocation of flake8 should be compatible with those configurations if I'm reading their code correctly
disclaimer: though I'm not sure it's super relevant here, I currently maintain flake8