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Error when I try provide the implemenation for the interface DomainMapper<PlayerDataEntity, List<PlayerModel>>

Dagger 2.32

I am getting the following error when I try provide the implemenation for the interface DomainMapper<PlayerDataEntity, List<PlayerModel>>

error: [Dagger/MissingBinding]<? super,? extends java.util.List<me.androidbox.domain.models.PlayerModel>> cannot be provided without an @Provides-annotated method.
public abstract interface ApplicationComponent {
                ^<? super,? extends java.util.List<me.androidbox.domain.models.PlayerModel>> is injected at
…, domainMapper) is requested at


Following classes:

class RequestPlayersImp @Inject constructor(
        private val footballServices: FootballServices,
        private val domainMapper: DomainMapper<PlayerDataEntity, List<PlayerModel>>
) : PlayersInteractor {

class DomainMapperImp @Inject constructor(): DomainMapper<PlayerDataEntity, List<PlayerModel>> {    

interface PlayerModule {

    fun provideRequestPlayersImp(requestPlayersImp: RequestPlayersImp): PlayersInteractor

    fun provideFootballServices(mockFootballServices: MockFootballServices): FootballServices

    fun provideDomainMapper(domainMapperImp: DomainMapperImp): DomainMapper<PlayerDataEntity, List<PlayerModel>>

However, I can solve the issue by creating a new Interface:

interface DomainMapperEntityToDomain : DomainMapper<PlayerDataEntity, List<PlayerModel>>

And using that as below. Everything compiles ok

class RequestPlayersImp @Inject constructor(
        private val footballServices: FootballServices,
        private val domainMapper:  DomainMapperEntityToDomain
) : PlayersInteractor {

class DomainMapperImp @Inject constructor(): DomainMapperEntityToDomain  {  

fun provideDomainMapper(domainMapperImp: DomainMapperImp): DomainMapperEntityToDomain 

My questions is why can't I use the following interface:

DomainMapper<PlayerDataEntity, List<PlayerModel>>

Many thanks for any advice,

data classes just incase they are important

@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
class PlayerDataEntity(
        val data: List<PlayerEntity>

data class PlayerModel(
    val playerId: Int,
    val firstname: String,
    val lastname: String,
    val birthday: String,
    val age: Int,
    val weight: Int,
    val height: Int,


  • Use this:

    DomainMapper<@JvmSuppressWildcards PlayerDataEntity, @JvmSuppressWildcards List< @JvmSuppressWildcards PlayerModel>>

    instead of:

    DomainMapper<PlayerDataEntity, List<PlayerModel>>

    you can find more details about it in this link