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Use a pytest fixture to download data once, but use new copies for each test

I have test code that downloads a set of images, does some processing on them, and asserts that the processing worked as expected:

def image_dir(tmp_path):
    test_imgs = [
        # ... list of img URLs
    for idx, im_url in enumerate(test_imgs):
        urllib.request.urlretrieve(im_url, tmp_path / f"{idx}.png")
    yield tmp_path

def test_op_A(image_dir: Path):
    for im_path in image_dir.iterdir():
        # load the image
        # modify the image
        # save the image back to disk

    # assert that the modification worked as expected

def test_op_B(image_dir: Path):
    for im_path in image_dir.iterdir():
        # load the image
        # modify the image
        # save the image back to disk

    # assert that the modification worked as expected

# ... more tests with a similar format

This works but is incredibly slow. I suspect that this is because the images are downloaded anew for each test.

Is there a clean way to create the temporary directory once, cache it, and use a copy of the directory for each test? This way each test can modify the images as desired, without influencing the other tests and while remaining performant.


  • So a possible solution to achieve this would make use of pytest_sessionstart and pytest_sessionfinish. We will also use a fixture in order to copy files over.

    A general break down of the flow we hope to achieve is the following:

    1. Download the necessary files before test collection
    2. Have the fixture copy the necessary files to a temporary location
    3. After the tests complete, delete the files from the cached location

    Place the following two hooks in your in the root directory where your tests reside.

    from pathlib import Path
    from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
    def pytest_sessionstart(session):
        test_imgs = [
            # ... list of img URLs
        td = TemporaryDirectory()
        tmp_path = Path(
        for idx, im_url in enumerate(test_imgs):
            urllib.request.urlretrieve(im_url, tmp_path / f"{idx}.png")
        session.__IMAGE_CACHE = tmp_path
    def pytest_sessionfinish(session, exitstatus):
        # remove the cached images

    Now that we have the images cached in a location, we can have our fixture copy them over for every test instead of having to download them.

    from shutil import copytree
    def image_dir(tmp_path, request):
        session = request.session
        # copy the data from our cache to the temp location for the test
        copytree(session.__IMAGE_CACHE, tmp_path)
        yield tmp_path