I want to check that some Stream
(e.g. bloc) emits nothing during unit test.
More detailed description: I use mockito and flutter_bloc packages. System under test is a bloc. My test:
test('sut emits nothing', () {
final event = SomeEvent(false);
emitsNothing, // <---- HERE I want to check that sut emits nothing
Here is mapping function of my bloc:
Stream<State> mapEventToState(Event event) async* {
if (event is SomeEvent) {
// If `flag` is true - then bloc emits a state,
// if `flag` is false - then bloc emits nothing.
if (event.flag) {
yield State.someState;
Here is code of SomeEvent
abstract class Event extends Equatable {}
class SomeEvent extends Event {
final bool flag;
List<Object> get props => [flag];
Can I check it out? Any help appreciated.
you can achieve this by using bloc_test package.
'CounterBloc emits no events',
build: () => CounterBloc(),
act: (_) {}, // no action taken
expect: [], // no event emitted