I have the following code in a PHP function:
$fmt = NumberFormatter::create('de_DE', NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS);
echo $fmt->format(15);
and the output is two strange characters: ௰௫
which I found to be 15 in Tamil numbers. If I change the number in second line to a fractional number, i. e.
$fmt = NumberFormatter::create('de_DE', NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS);
echo $fmt->format(15.5);
then, I get the expected result 15,50
in German.
This is all running on an English Ubuntu VM with German keyboard. I have no idea where and why Tamil would come into play at all, and why it only affects integer numbers.
Obviously, I am doing something wrong, but I have no idea where. Any ideas or suggestions where to look?
What you're doing wrong is that you're using a constant that is not meant for the purpose of creating the NumberFormatter
object. If you take a look at the constructor signature:
public static NumberFormatter::create ( string $locale , int $style , string $pattern = ? ) : NumberFormatter
you'll see that the second argument is the style to be applied. The manual defines the style as one of the following constants:
These styles are used by the numfmt_create() to define the type of the formatter.
NumberFormatter::PATTERN_DECIMAL (int)
Decimal format defined by pattern
NumberFormatter::DECIMAL (int)
Decimal format
NumberFormatter::CURRENCY (int)
Currency format
NumberFormatter::PERCENT (int)
Percent format
NumberFormatter::SCIENTIFIC (int)
Scientific format
NumberFormatter::SPELLOUT (int)
Spellout rule-based format
NumberFormatter::ORDINAL (int)
Ordinal rule-based format
NumberFormatter::DURATION (int)
Duration rule-based format
NumberFormatter::PATTERN_RULEBASED (int)
Rule-based format defined by pattern
NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_ACCOUNTING (int)
Currency format for accounting, e.g., ($3.00) for negative currency amount instead of -$3.00. Available as of PHP 7.4.1 and ICU 53.
NumberFormatter::DEFAULT_STYLE (int)
Default format for the locale
NumberFormatter::IGNORE (int)
As you can see, NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS
is not one of them. That one is mentioned later in a section labeled by the following sentence:
Number format attribute used by numfmt_get_attribute() and numfmt_set_attribute().
So what you really need to do is select one of the style constants and use it instead.
What happens that it evokes the Tamil numbers is beyond me, though. If you take a look at the dumps of the constants, this constant has the value of 8 and none of the style constants correspond to that number. I've no idea how PHP handles 8 as the input value there. It might make an interesting question of its own.