Assume I have 4 different tables 'user', 'favorite_book', 'books', 'user_image'. The data in the tables as below,
|user_id |name|contact |dateCreated|
|1 |Ani | 9999 | 1232142 |
|2 |Aslam| 8888 | 1234563 |
|3 |Jhon | 7777 |2425325 |
|4 |Keras| 6666 |535345 |
|5 |Sudi | 5555 |453454 |
|1 | xys | |
|3 | sdf | |
|4 | 7rlm | |
|5 | 7rlm | |
note: here 'user_id' 2 dose not have any favorite_book.
|xys |book_1 | auth_1 |
|7rlm |book_3 | auth_3 |
|sdf |book_9 | auth_9 |
|rtyu | book_1 | auth_1 |
|user_id| img |dateCreated|
|-- |---------|-----------|
|1 |Ani.png | |
|2 |Aslam.png| |
|3 |NULL | |
|4 |NULL | |
|5 |Sudi.png | |
note: few users did not provide user_image which is marked as NULL
expected solution: I need to create a table which combine all the tables to get detailed information of user at a glance. The expected solution is as follows.
|user_id|name |contact|img |book_name|dateCreated|
|1 |Ani | 9999 | Ani.png |book_1 |1232142 |
|2 |Aslam| 8888 |Aslam.png||1234563 | |
|3 |Jhon | 7777 | |book_9 |2425325 |
|4 |Keras| 6666 | |book_3 |535345 |
|5 |Sudi | 5555 |Sudi.png |book_3 |4534543 |
note: dateCreated is from 'user' table.
I created the table by combining all the tables with help of $this->db->join(), however it omits the rows if there is an empty or null cell. I would like to get a table with all available information.
that would be like this :
, name
, contact
, img
, book_name
, u.dateCreated
users u
JOIN user_image ui
ON u.user_id = ui.user_id
LEFT JOIN favorite_book fb
ON u.user_id = fb.user_id
LEFT JOIN books b
ON bf.book_id = b.book_id;
on bf.book_id = b.book_id