I want to recursively generate all the possible sums of the slices of a string of digits. For example:
Input: '891'
Output: 18, 99, 90, 891
In details:
8+9+1 = 18
8+91 = 99
89+1 = 90
891 = 891
However, the code I wrote yields generators of generators:
# s: string of digits, c: sum of slices
def rec(s,c):
for i in range(1,len(s)+1):
if s=='': yield c
else: yield rec(s[i:],c+int(s[:i]))
How can I fix it?
It can sometimes be tricky to get right. But you are confusing yourself by adding the extra argument:
def rec(s):
# No split.
yield int(s)
# Split.
for i in range(1, len(s)):
left = int(s[:i])
for right in rec(s[i:]):
yield left + right
And indeed:
>>> list(rec("891"))
[891, 99, 18, 90]