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R: Posthoc comparison for linear mixed effects model

I have run into a problem with the posthoc comparison for my linear mixed effects model. I'll try to explain it with a quickly constructed unperfect example:

Here my example data:



I actually have several fixed and random effects included in my model, but this is sufficient to illustrate my problem:


Looking at the fixed effects output I only get the significances for the different levels of the variable compared to the Intercept

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error      df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)   9.5104     1.3685 12.0000   6.949 1.54e-05 ***
Variable2     0.9155     1.9354 12.0000   0.473    0.645    
Variable3     1.7386     1.9354 12.0000   0.898    0.387    

However, I would now like to compare Variable level 1 with level 2 and Variable level 2 with level 3, so I tried the following:

summary(glht(LME, linfct=c("Variable2-Variable1=0","Variable3-Variable2=0")))

Leaving me with this error:

Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)) : 
  error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'summary': multcomp:::chrlinfct2matrix: variable(s) ‘Variable1’ not found

If I exclude variable level 1 and only look at the comparison of 2 to 3, the code works fine:

summary(glht(LME, linfct=c("Variable3-Variable2=0")))

     Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Fit: lmer(formula = Result ~ Variable + (1 | Random))

Linear Hypotheses:
                           Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
Variable3 - Variable2 == 0   0.8231     1.6694   0.493    0.622
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)

I can also run the linfct function with Tukey contrasts:

summary(glht(LME, linfct= mcp(Variable="Tukey")),test=adjusted("none"))

     Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts

Fit: lmer(formula = Result ~ Variable + (1 | Random))

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
2 - 1 == 0   0.9155     1.9354   0.473    0.636
3 - 1 == 0   1.7386     1.9354   0.898    0.369
3 - 2 == 0   0.8231     1.6694   0.493    0.622
(Adjusted p values reported -- none method)

Seeing that I am not interessted in the comparison of 3 to 1, I would then only use the other 2 p-values and adjust them in a sperate step, but this is not really the solution I am looking for. My data results in more than just the two comparisons shown here, so the option with the Tukey contrasts would leave me with a lot of comparisons I am not really interessted in.

Is there a way to get Variable1 from LME? In the fixed effects it is included as Intercept, replacing Variable1 with Intercept or any combinations I could think of did not do the trick. Or is there generally a better way to achieve the comparisons I am looking for?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • You've really already got what you want. In this case, since Variable=1 is the reference group, it's coefficient is fixed at 0 with a variance of 0. So, the test of whether Variable1=Variable2=0 is really just a test of Variable2=0. Likewise with Variable3. You can see this from the fact that the two pieces of code below produce the same output:

    summary(glht(LME, linfct=c("Variable2=0","Variable3=0", "Variable3-Variable2=0")))
    # Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    # Fit: lmer(formula = Result ~ Variable + (1 | Random))
    # Linear Hypotheses:
    #                            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
    # Variable2 == 0              -0.6524     2.0145  -0.324    0.942
    # Variable3 == 0              -2.0845     2.0145  -1.035    0.545
    # Variable3 - Variable2 == 0  -1.4321     1.1199  -1.279    0.396
    # (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)
    summary(glht(LME, linfct=mcp(Variable="Tukey")))
    # Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    # Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts
    # Fit: lmer(formula = Result ~ Variable + (1 | Random))
    # Linear Hypotheses:
    #            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
    # 2 - 1 == 0  -0.6524     2.0145  -0.324    0.942
    # 3 - 1 == 0  -2.0845     2.0145  -1.035    0.545
    # 3 - 2 == 0  -1.4321     1.1199  -1.279    0.396
    # (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)

    So, if you only want the adjusted comparisons with the reference, you can do:

    summary(glht(LME, linfct=c("Variable2=0","Variable3=0")))
    # Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    # Fit: lmer(formula = Result ~ Variable + (1 | Random))
    # Linear Hypotheses:
    #                Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
    # Variable2 == 0  -0.6524     2.0145  -0.324    0.889
    # Variable3 == 0  -2.0845     2.0145  -1.035    0.404
    # (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)