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Reference Wiki page from inside customized work item

I have created a customized work item. It there any way to link this work item with pre-created wiki page. I don't want to link it with work item manually, just kind of automatic link when create a new work item.


  • The most convenient workaround is to create a custom field for your work item. And create a rule to automatically set the wiki page url as value of the custom field.

    Check tutorial here to Add a custom field.

    Check here to Add a rule to a work item type, which will be triggered when a work item is created, and set the wiki url as the custom field value.

    enter image description here

    There is another workaround using azure pipeline and rest api.

    Please check below steps:

    1, create web hook to be triggered by Work item created event

    When creating your webhook, you need to provide the following info:

    • Request Url -<ADO Organization>/_apis/public/distributedtask/webhooks/<WebHook Name>?api-version=6.0-preview

    • Secret - This is optional. If you need to secure your JSON payload, provide the Secret value

    2, Create a new "Incoming Webhook" service connection.

    • Webhook Name: The name of the webhook should match webhook created in your external service.

    3, Create a yaml pipeline.

    Add service connection resources in the yaml pipeline see below:

        - webhook: MyWebhookTrigger          
          connection: MyWebhookConnection   #the name of the Incoming Webhook service connection created in above step.

    Add script task in your pipeline to call work item update rest api. See below scripts:

    - powershell: |
        $workitemId= ${{}}
        $url = "$(System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri)$(System.TeamProject)/_apis/wit/workitems/$($workitemId)?api-version=6.1-preview.3"
        $body ='
            "op": "add",
            "path": "/relations/-",
            "value": {
              "rel": "ArtifactLink",
              "url": "vstfs:///Wiki/WikiPage/{projectName}/{wikiName}/{wikiPage}",
              "attributes": {
                "name": "Wiki Page"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $(system.accesstoken)"} -ContentType "application/json-patch+json" -Method patch -body $body

    Please check out this document for more information.

    Above steps actually do below things:

    New workitem is created-->automatically Trigger Azure pipeline-->Azure pipeline run script to call rest api to add the wiki page to the workitem.