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GCE cannot access private SQL

I tried to access from GCE instance to Cloud SQL instance, which is private and having private service connection.

following private services access docs, I setup VPC and FW, and create SQL and GCE in same VPC.

but in GCE, ping to SQL instance, nor sql connection didn't work.

  1. create VPC

gcloud compute networks create test-custom-vpc --subnet-mode=custom --bgp-routing-mode=global --mtu=1460

  1. create subnet

gcloud compute networks subnets create vpc-sb-1 --network=test-custom-vpc --range= --region=asia-northeast1

  1. create IP range for private service connection

gcloud compute addresses create vpc-peering-range --global --purpose=VPC_PEERING
--addresses= --prefix-length=16 --description=description --network=test-custom-vpc

  1. create VPC peering for SQL

gcloud services vpc-peerings connect --ranges=vpc-peering-range --network=test-custom-vpc --project=my-project

  1. create mySQL in VPC

gcloud --project=my-project beta sql instances create vpc-sql-1 --network=test-custom-vpc --no-assign-ip

  1. create GCE instance in VPC

gcloud compute instances create vm-in-sb-1 --subnet vpc-sb-1 --zone asia-northeast1-b

  1. create FW rule, so far allow all IP/protocol

gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-all --network test-custom-vpc --direction ingress --action allow --rules all

Then, I would access VM with ssh and check connection between VM & SQL

gcloud sql instances list NAME DATABASE_VERSION LOCATION TIER PRIMARY_ADDRESS PRIVATE_ADDRESS STATUS vpc-sql-1 MYSQL_5_7 us-central1-b db-n1-standard-1 - RUNNABLE

-> SQL private IP is

  1. ssh login

gcloud beta compute ssh --zone "asia-northeast1-b" "vm-in-sb-1" --project "my-project"

  1. check connection


no response

psql -h -U postgres

mysql --host= --user=root --password

psql: could not connect to server: Connection timed out Is the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

I have no idea what configuration is wrong


  • I replicated your case, all configuration are working well but please note, using the command below in step #5 will create a Cloud SQL instance for Mysql not for Postgres:

    gcloud --project=my-project beta sql instances create vpc-sql-1 --network=test-custom-vpc --no-assign-ip

    If you want to create a Cloud SQL instance for Postgres use the command below:

    gcloud --project=my-project beta sql instances create vpc-sql-1 --database-version=POSTGRES_12 --cpu=2 --memory=7680MB --network=test-custom-vpc --no-assign-ip

    The problem is you are connecting to Cloud SQL for Mysql using Postgres database client. To proper connect use the following example:

    for Mysql example:

    mysql --host= --user=root --password

    for Postgres example:

    psql -h -U postgres