Would you please, help me, to develop the algorythm of counting rating of the clients. Initial dataset and desirable result is in the code below. Thank you.
The logic: We have clients and 6 factors (with values 1 or 0 (present or not present)).
We should calculate a rating of the client:
1 (max rate) - client has all the factors
2 - client has factors 1-5 and doesn't have 6th
3 - client has factors 1-4 and doesn't have 5th (factor 6 doesn't matter)
4 - client has factors 1-3 and doesn't have 4th (factors 5-6 don't matter)
5 - client has factors 1-2 and doesn't have 3rd (factors 4-6 don't matter)
6 - client has factor 1 and doesn't have 2nd (factors 3-6 don't matter)
7 - client doesnt have factor 1 (factors 2-6 don't matter)
The key is that number of factors can differ from time to time.
drop table if exists #tmp;
create TABLE #tmp (
[client] [nvarchar] null,
[factor1] [int] NULL,
[factor2] [int] NULL,
[factor3] [int] NULL,
[factor4] [int] NULL,
[factor5] [int] NULL,
[factor6] [int] null,
[desirable_result] [int] NULL
insert into #tmp (
select '1', 1,1,1,1,1,1,1 union all
select '2', 1,1,0,1,1,1,5 union all
select '3', 1,0,1,1,0,1,6 union all
select '4', 1,1,1,1,1,0,2 union all
select '5', 1,1,1,0,0,1,4
This solution works, but only if the num of factors is always equal. The key is that number of factors can differ from time to time.
select *
, "factor1" + "factor2" + "factor3" + "factor4" + "factor5" + "factor6" sum_6
, "factor1" + "factor2" + "factor3" + "factor4" + "factor5" sum_5
, "factor1" + "factor2" + "factor3" + "factor4" sum_4
, "factor1" + "factor2" + "factor3" sum_3
, "factor1" + "factor2" sum_2
, "factor1" sum_1
into #tmp2
from #tmp
select *
, case when sum_6 = 6 then 1 else
(case when sum_5 = 5 and sum_6 < 6 then 2 else
(case when sum_4 = 4 and sum_5 < 5 then 3 else
(case when sum_3 = 3 and sum_4 < 4 then 4 else
(case when sum_2 = 2 and sum_3 < 3 then 5 else
(case when sum_1 = 1 and sum_2 < 2 then 6 else
end rate
you can use CASE WHEN ...
as what scaisEdge has demonstrated.
What i have here is to UNPIVOT
the table using CROSS APPLY
and then using SUM()
with CASE
to workout the necessary logic
select t.client,
case when sum(f.fval) = 6 then 1
when sum(f.fval) = 5
and sum(case when f.fno = 6 then f.fval end) = 0 then 2
when sum(case when f.fno <= 4 then f.fval end) = 4
and sum(case when f.fno = 5 then f.fval end) = 0 then 3
when sum(case when f.fno <= 3 then f.fval end) = 3
and sum(case when f.fno = 4 then f.fval end) = 0 then 4
when sum(case when f.fno <= 2 then f.fval end) = 2
and sum(case when f.fno = 3 then f.fval end) = 0 then 5
when sum(case when f.fno = 1 then f.fval end) = 1
and sum(case when f.fno = 2 then f.fval end) = 0 then 6
when sum(case when f.fno = 1 then f.fval end) = 0 then 7
from #tmp t
cross apply
(1, factor1),
(2, factor2),
(3, factor3),
(4, factor4),
(5, factor5),
(6, factor6)
) f (fno, fval)
group by t.client, t.[desirable_result]
order by t.client