I think I missing something very basic but I cannot make this function work.
I am running python 3.6.12 on Redhat with npyscreen 4.10.5. My expectation is that the safe_to_exit function could be used to validate any input immediately when the user exits the field (using the tab key) but I cannot make it fire at all. Possibly I have misunderstood this completely. Here is my test code, cut down to make it as simple as possible:
import npyscreen
def test1(*args):
F = npyscreen.Form(name='My Test Application')
Field1 = F.add(npyscreen.TitleText, name="My Test Field")
Field1.safe_to_exit = Field1_Validations
return Field1.value
def Field1_Validations():
npyscreen.notify_confirm("Safe to exit")
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
onefield = npyscreen.wrapper_basic(test1)
print("Results are : {} ".format(onefield))
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
After much hair pulling I worked it out. They syntax is (applying to the code sample above):
self.Field1.entry_widget.safe_to_exit = Field1_Validations