So, i have a script to define a service where I can use change streams on mongo. I made it with Yargs so i can pass all the arguments to the application. But when i try yo daemon it with pm2 I´m having hard time passing the command with all the args I wrote. Here is the service yargs setup:
const yargs = require('yargs');
const mongo = require("mongodb").MongoClient;
const fs = require('fs');
const BSON = require('bson');
const argv = yargs
'listen', 'Listen to a collection for changes and save it to another',{
collection :{
description : 'the collection you want to listen to',
alias : 'c',
type: 'string',
description: 'the database you want to listen to',
alias : 'db',
type: 'string',
description: 'the connection string for your mongodb instance',
alias : 'uri',
type: 'string',
description: 'the database where the changes will be kept',
alias: 'logdb',
type: 'string',
description: 'the collection where the changes will be kept',
alias: 'logc',
type: 'string',
.option('verbose', {
alias : 'v',
description: 'Writes on the console the information',
type: 'boolean',
.alias('help', 'h')
if(!argv.uri || !argv.collection || !argv.db || !argv.log_collection || !argv.logbase){
console.log("Missing parameters!")
if(!argv.uri) console.log("--uri is missing!")
if(!argv.collection) console.log("--collection is missing!")
if(!argv.db) console.log("--db is missing!")
if(!argv.log_collection) console.log("--log_collection is missing!")
if(!argv.logbase) console.log("--log_base is missing!")
const uri = argv.uri;
const coll = argv.collection;
const database = argv.db;
const logbase = argv.logbase;
const log_collection = argv.log_collection;
const verbose = argv.verbose;
const token = token_reader(logbase, log_collection, verbose)
//if there is a resume token
resume_with_token(token ,uri, database, coll, argv.verbose, logbase, log_collection)
}else {
listen (uri, database, coll, argv.verbose, logbase, log_collection)
} else {
console.log('Commnad not listed')
So basicaly i have the folwing line to run in my console:
node .\generic_collection_listerner.js listen -c collection_name --uri "mongo_connection_url" --db database --logbase logbase --log_collection log_collection --verbose
Thanks in advance!
As Ohad Cohen pointed out, the string is defently diferent from the one I tried. I`am using windows, i don´t know exactly what it changes. But the folowing model worked for me:
pm2 start node -- .\generic_collection_listerner.js listen -c collection -uri mogo_url -logbase logDb -log_collection changelog -verbose