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maven scoverage check for lines/branches not covered by unit tests

I am quite new to maven scoverage plugin which is the preferred code coverage tool in the team that I am working with. I am trying to generate reports for test coverage using the following command:

 mvn scoverage:report

It gives me a detailed report showing class name and code coverage both in terms of lines of code and branches but it does not show which lines/branches of code are not covered by unit tests.

Is there an option with scoverage that I can use to display those lines or generate as part of report?

I have tried googling but haven't been able to find anything helpful for scoverage


  • So Finally I figured it out, all i needed to do was put a small change in plug-in section for scoverage of my pom file and set highlighting to true


                                <goal>check</goal> <!-- or integration-check -->
                            <phase>prepare-package</phase> <!-- or any other phase -->


                                <goal>check</goal> <!-- or integration-check -->
                            <phase>prepare-package</phase> <!-- or any other phase -->