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Make keydown NSEvent run once in Swift

NSEvent keydown code is running repeatedly when key is pressed. How do I make sure that the event runs only once then stop listening until key up event occurs?

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        NSEvent.addLocalMonitorForEvents(matching: .keyDown, handler: doSomething(event:))
    func doSomething(event: NSEvent) -> NSEvent{
        // 36 is key code for ENTER key 
        if event.keyCode == 36{
            print("Hello World!")
        return event


  • You can simply check if the NSEvent is a repeat using isARepeat property:

    func doSomething(event: NSEvent) -> NSEvent {
        if event.keyCode == 36, !event.isARepeat {
            print("Hello World!")
        return event

    If you just want to get rid of the key sound you need to change your return type to optional and return nil:

    func doSomething(event: NSEvent) -> NSEvent? {
        guard !event.isARepeat else {
            // this will suppress the key sound if you return nil and not propagate the key down event
            return nil
        if event.keyCode == 36 {
            print("Hello World!")
            // if you want to suppress the key sound when is not a repeat just return nil here as well
            return nil
        return event