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monetdb: properly creating and setting the configuration file .monetdb for a user other than monetdb

My goal is to connect to a newly created database named mydb through a new user named jpriest instead of the default user monetdb.

Following this question monetdb: switch off password on mclient and the answer provided, I configured a .monetdb file in the current working directory containing the following content:


however I received the following error message

InvalidCredentialsException:checkCredentials:invalid credentials for user 'jpriest'

I am trying to follow the Getting Started section that states :

To connect/login to the database server the first time,
you must use monetdb as user name and enter its default password: monetdb.

Once connected you may create new users, create new schemas, create tables etc.
It is also strongly recommended to change the default password of the monetdb system user

Since I have not managed to make it work any help is greatly appreciated!


  • After some research I solved the problem through the following steps:

    1. I deleted the .monetdb file I previously created.
    2. I created a dbfarm named mydbfarm via: monetdbd create mydbfarm
    3. I configured the monetdb deamon monetdbd that serves the connections to the databases in mydbfarm to listen to the port 54321 via: monetdbd set port=54321 mydbfarm
    4. I started my dbfarm named mydbfarm via: monetdbd start mydbfarm
    5. I created a database named mydb via: monetdb -p 54321 create mydb
    6. I released mydb via : monetdb -p 54321 release mydb
    7. I started mydb via : monetdb -p 54321 start mydb
    8. I connected to mydb thought mclient via: mclient -d mydb -p 54321. I typed monetdb for user and again monetdb for password
    9. If all steps are done correctly the SQL prompt should start.
    10. I proceeded with the following command to create a user jpriest with password monetdb, name inpap and schema "sys" via: CREATE USER "jpriest" WITH PASSWORD 'monetdb' NAME 'inpap' SCHEMA "sys";
    11. After that I log out of the sql prompt with \q and connect again to mydb but this time with the user jpriest that I created in step 10 via: mclient -d mydb -p 54321 and by typing userjpriest passwordmonetdb
    12. Then in the sql prompt we change the password of the user jpriest from monetdb to pass via the command: ALTER USER SET PASSWORD 'pass' USING OLD PASSWORD 'monetdb';
    13. Then exiting the prompt and creating the .monetdb file with the content :

    will allow you to always log in as user jpriest with the password pass