The problem was How many sequences of 9 dice rolls are increasing (e.g. 223444556). Ok, I know the answer is given by choose(14,9)
but i just wanted to play around with dplyr.
A fast but not elegant way:
expand.grid(data.frame(matrix(rep(1:6,9),ncol=9))) %>%
filter(X1<=X2 & X2<=X3 &X3<=X4 &X4<=X5 &X5<=X6 &X6<=X7 &X7<=X8 &X8<=X9) %>% tally
I tried the following two alternatives (without explicit reference to variable names), but they're both very slow (and memory consuming). Can you help me optimize my code using tidyverse?
expand_grid(!!!data.frame(matrix(rep(1:6,9),ncol=9))) %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "grp") %>%
mutate(grp = as.numeric(grp)) %>%
pivot_longer (cols=!grp) %>%
group_by(grp) %>%
mutate(prev = lag(value)) %>%
filter(! %>%
transmute(dif=value-prev) %>%
summarize(res = all(dif >=0)) %>%
group_by(res) %>% summarize(n=n())
9 %>%
rerun(1:6) %>% crossing(!!!.,.name_repair = "minimal") %>%
set_names(glue::glue('c{1:ncol(.)}')) %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(asc = all(diff(c_across(cols = everything())>=0))) %>%
filter(asc==TRUE) %>% tally
This is also slow, but not memory consuming.
9 %>%
rerun(1:6) %>% crossing(!!!.,.name_repair = "minimal") %>%
set_names(glue::glue('c{1:ncol(.)}')) %>%
if(all(list(...) %>% flatten_dbl() %>% diff() >=0)) return(TRUE) else return(FALSE)
})) %>% tally
Here is a tidyverse
approach that relies on purrr
expand.grid(replicate(9, 1:6, FALSE)) %>%
filter(reduce(map2(.[, -length(.)], .[, -1], ~ .x <= .y), `&`)) %>%
This is somewhat difficult to do in the contexts of pipes. We both need to compare columns n
and n + 1
while reducing done to a logical vector. Then we need to filter the original dataset.
And if you were only interested in the tally, we could sum the logical vector.
expand.grid(replicate(9, 1:6, FALSE)) %>%
{sum(reduce(map2(.[, -length(.)], .[, -1], ~ .x <= .y), `&`))}
Finally, if you don't mind one more dependency, matrixstats can parallel what you were doing with one of your approaches:
expand.grid(replicate(9, 1:6, FALSE)) %>%
{sum(rowAlls(rowDiffs(as.matrix(.)) >= 0L))}