The problem I am working on is asking me to modify existing code as follows:
The following program uses a list to store a user-entered set of resistance values and computes I. Modify the program to compute the voltage drop across each resistor, store each in another list voltage_drop, and finally print the results in the specified format.
Here is the code without my modifications:
resistors = []
voltage_drop = []
print( '%d resistors are in series.' % num_resistors)
print('This program calculates the'),
print('voltage drop across each resistor.')
input_voltage = float(input('Input voltage applied to circuit: '))
print (input_voltage)
print('Input ohms of {} resistors'.format(num_resistors))
for i in range(num_resistors):
res = float(input('{})'.format(i + 1)))
# Calculate current
current = input_voltage / sum(resistors)
# Calculate voltage drop over each resistor
# ...
# Print the voltage drop per resistor
# ...
Here is the code with my modifications:
resistors = []
voltage_drop = []
print( '%d resistors are in series.' % num_resistors)
print('This program calculates the'),
print('voltage drop across each resistor.')
input_voltage = float(input('Input voltage applied to circuit: '))
print (input_voltage)
print('Input ohms of {} resistors'.format(num_resistors))
for i in range(num_resistors):
res = float(input('{})'.format(i + 1)))
# Calculate current
current = input_voltage / sum(resistors)
# Calculate voltage drop over each resistor
for res in resistors:
vol_drop = current * res
# Print the voltage drop per resistor
print('Voltage drop per resistor is')
for voldrop in voltage_drop:
print('{}) {:.2f} V'.format(voltage_drop.index(voldrop), voldrop)
If I comment out the last three lines or change it to only print the drop in voltage, it works just fine. It's supposed to print like
Here is the error I am receiving:
File "", line 31
SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
The print statement is missing a closing ')':
print('{}) {:.2f} V'.format(voltage_drop.index(voldrop), voldrop)
indicated by the "SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing"