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Blocking requests on postfix (fail2ban)

I see the same non smtp requests in my maillog and I can't figure out, what is missing so those requests can be blocked.

fail2ban is setup and I have configured a jail.local file. How can I block those 6 requests:

Feb 10  10:58:57    host    postfix/submission/smtpd[5167]: warning:    non-SMTP    command from    unknown[]:   GET /system_api.php HTTP/1.1
Feb 10  10:58:57    host    postfix/submission/smtpd[5167]: warning:    non-SMTP    command from    unknown[]:   GET /c/version.js   HTTP/1.1
Feb 10  10:58:58    host    postfix/submission/smtpd[5167]: warning:    non-SMTP    command from    unknown[]:   GET /streaming/clients_live.php HTTP/1.1
Feb 10  10:58:58    host    postfix/submission/smtpd[5167]: warning:    non-SMTP    command from    unknown[]:   GET /stalker_portal/c/version.js    HTTP/1.1
Feb 10  10:58:58    host    postfix/submission/smtpd[5167]: warning:    non-SMTP    command from    unknown[]:   GET /client_area/   HTTP/1.1
Feb 10  10:58:59    host    postfix/submission/smtpd[5167]: warning:    non-SMTP    command from    unknown[]:   GET /stalker_portal/c/  HTTP/1.1

The jail.local for postfix config is shown below:


# To use another modes set filter parameter "mode" in jail.local:
enabeld = true
mode    = more
port    = smtp,ssmtp,submission
logpath = %(postfix_log)s
backend = %(postfix_backend)s

bantime  = 1000
findtime  = 10000
maxretry = 3
maxmatches = %(maxretry)s
bantime.increment = true
bantime.rndtime = 1000
bantime.factor = 1
bantime.formula = ban.Time * (1<<(ban.Count if ban.Count<20 else 20)) * banFactor
bantime.multipliers = 1 2 4 8 16 32 64
bantime.overalljails = true

It looks like the postfix default rules are not blocking / banning those non-smtp requests. What am I missing here?


  • the missing part was the "HOST" in the filter, so fail2ban knows which IP to ban.

    the filter now looks like this:

    failregex = ^.*\[<HOST>].*system\_api
    datepattern = ^[^\[]*\[({DATE})
    ignoreregex =