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Kubernetes Node unable to access Docker Private Registry

I've setup kubernetes cluster which has 3 worker node with docker private registry service. The master node is able to login into Private Registry, but worker nodes can't login due to 503 Service unavailable. There is no error log in the Private Registry pod. How do I debug it?

[root@worker]# docker login -u test -p test123
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
Error response from daemon: login attempt to failed with status: 503 
Service Unavailable

PS : The Private Registry is insecure so all nodes has insecure-regies: [""] configuration. Also I've changed IP addresses. Registry is installed by helm install twuni/docker-registry --generate-name nothing more


  • Solved the issue by setting NO_PROXY environment on all nodes. Apparently the nodes are trying to connect with registry using PROXY even though there was none configured. I found out this by using kubectl describe pod