I try to make a GitHub page on my repo
but I have a problem, it like that Markdown not working with Github pages you can my website here: https://ahmedeltabarani.github.io/learnGodotArabic/
if you do Ctrl + U
to see the source code you will note that it didn't convert markdown to HTML, it just put markdown's raw as a normal text and didn't
the web structure should be like a README.md file in my repo here https://github.com/AhmedElTabarani/learnGodotArabic/blob/main/README.md
I believe you are experiencing problems due to the use of div tags in your markdown. Please see more details here: Markdown `native` text alignment
You might want to think about at least using a Jekyll theme and create blog posts over using standard md files. That will give you more flexibility with formatting and using css.