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Django site hosting on Heroku "No web processes runnng"

So I tried to host my Django application to Heroku and at first it worked. Then I wanted to add some release commands so I did this:

python makemigrations
python migrate

And in my Procfile:

release: bash ./
web: gunicorn todo.wsgi --log-file - 

The second line in my Procfile is unchanged, so I guessed that the error must be coming from the release commands, but that's not the case as in my heroku logs I have this:

2021-02-17T19:41:31.675215+00:00 heroku[release.6232]: Process exited with status 0
2021-02-17T19:41:31.772693+00:00 heroku[release.6232]: State changed from up to complete
2021-02-17T19:41:34.021990+00:00 app[api]: Release v11 created by user [email protected]

This is the error message:

2021-02-17T19:41:43.594322+00:00 heroku[router]: at=error code=H14 desc="No web processes running" method=POST path="/accounts/login/?next=/" request_id=5dce4816-6343-44c3-9c8f
-171e79379abc fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes= protocol=https


  • Just found out what the problem was. For some reason after adding the release commands my dynos were turned off. To fix this: go to your heroku app (on the heroku website) -> go to resources -> press the edit button on your dyno -> turn it on and confirm .