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How to use poetry for recursive installation?

I'm trying to install this repository using poetry package manager. Here's how it's done using pip:

git clone --recursive
cd ctcdecode && pip install .

But if I try to run

poetry add ctcdecode

It fails with big traceback (over 200 lines I think). So I installed it with

poetry run git clone --recursive
poetry run pip install ./ctcdecode

But this way is not suitable for sharing with other devs. Can I do it with pyproject.toml somehow?


  • poetry add <packagename> adds and installs a dependency available on pypi (or if configured other package repositories) to you project.

    If you want to add a package, where the source code is located in a git repository use poetry add git+<url_of_git>.

    The problem with ctcdecode in both ways is, that it needs to be build. For this torch is needed. ctcdecode doesn't declare this build dependency in a pyproject.toml according to PEP 518.

    You can work around it, by clone the git repository and put a pyproject.toml with this content into the project's folder:

    requires = ["setuptools", "torch"]
    build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

    Then go back to your current project and add the local path dependency like this:

    $ poetry add <relative_path_to_ctcdecode>