I'm learning Tkinter and i worked in a login interface, i have two entries for my username and password*, also one button for my login, I've defined a function for my entries and login button with sqlite database and it works good locally, but I want to store my usernames and passwords in a server so i choose to use Google sheets API in order to create a sheet and store there my usernames and passwords, I triede to define a funtion to link my entries and login button but it does'nt work. any advise thanks in advance. have a good day.
def logear():
scope = ["https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds", 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets',
"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive"]
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name("testsheetsxxxxx.json", scope)
client = gspread.authorize(creds)
sheet = client.open("testing").sheet1 ########'testisng is my google sheet and 'sheet1' is what im
using to store usernames and passwords###########
user = entry_usuario.get() ####entry_usuario is my username entry########
contra = entry_contrasena.get() ####entry_contrasena us my password entry######
c = #####stucked here####
if ####stucked here####:
messagebox.showinfo(title='login correcto', message='usuario y contraseña correctos')
messagebox.showerror(tittle=None, message='Contraseña Incorrecta')
Here is what works for me:
def logear():
# Rest of required code
user = entry_usuario.get()
contra = entry_contrasena.get()
for i in c: # Loop through the list
if int(user) == i['contraseña'] and contra == i['password']: # Check if password and username exists in the dict
messagebox.showinfo(title='login correcto', message='usuario y contraseña correctos')
messagebox.showerror(tittle=None, message='Detalles incorrectos')
Here the only problem I see is, username always have to be an int
, so I recommend changing it to str
so that its more efficient.
I dont know why you switched from SQLite to Google Sheets both will be insecure as you are storing passwords as plaintext, I recommend hashing it pre-hand and storing the hashed values. And as far as hosting of a database is concerned there are other online servers which allow MySQL database to be hosted, take a look here