Search code examples

Oracle XMLTYPE extract based on value and condition

SELECT * FROM v$version;
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
"CORE  Production"
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

I have sample Query with XML like below:

with t(xml) as 
select xmltype(
    <PlanCode PlanCodeCode="CHOICE">
        <S_DAYS PCODE="P123">
                <DIVISION Amount="150.05" Code="Flat" S_CODE="1" />
                <DIVISION Amount="250.05" Code="Flat" S_CODE="2" />
        <S_DAYS PCODE="P1234">
                <DIVISION Amount="150.05" Code="Flat" S_CODE="1" />
                <DIVISION Amount="250.05" Code="Flat" S_CODE="2" />
          <S_DAYS PCODE="Child1">
              <AdditonalFareAmount Amount="100"/>
          <S_DAYS PCODE="Child2">
              <AdditonalFareAmount Amount="130"/>
 from dual

select h.PlanCodeCode
 from   t
    cross join
    xmltable(xmlnamespaces(default ''),
             passing t.xml
             columns PlanCodeCode varchar2(100)  path './PlanCode/@PlanCodeCode',
                     attributes xmltype path './PlanCode'
            ) h
    left join xmltable(xmlnamespaces(default ''),
             passing h.attributes
             columns node_level for ordinality
                    , amount number path '@Amount'
                    , pcode  varchar2(10) path './../../@PCODE'
                    , child1_amount number path './../../@Amount[1]' --->Child1
                    , child2_amount number path './../../@Amount[2]' --->Child2
            ) b on 1=1;

The XML expected to have S_DAYS node with STUDENT -> DIVISION , we fetch Amount value from the XML.

There are optional node(s) S_DAYS with S_DAYS with PCODE="Child1" or PCODE="Child2"

When node PCODE for Child1 or Child2 is present, we have to apply for existing rows itself.

Actual Result:

enter image description here

Expected Result:

enter image description here

Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks.


  • You can walk back up to the sibling of the student s_days node:

    select h.PlanCodeCode, b.amount, b.pcode, b.child1_amount, b.child2_amount
     from   t
        cross join
        xmltable(xmlnamespaces(default ''),
                 passing t.xml
                 columns PlanCodeCode varchar2(100)  path './PlanCode/@PlanCodeCode',
                         attributes xmltype path './PlanCode'
                ) h
        left join xmltable(xmlnamespaces(default ''),
                 passing h.attributes
                 columns node_level for ordinality
                        , amount number path '@Amount'
                        , pcode  varchar2(10) path './../../@PCODE'
                        , child1_amount number path './../../../S_DAYS[@PCODE="Child1"]/AdditonalFare/AdditonalFareAmount/@Amount'
                        , child2_amount number path './../../../S_DAYS[@PCODE="Child2"]/AdditonalFare/AdditonalFareAmount/@Amount'
                ) b on 1=1;

    Or you can get the children from the first XMLTable, if you always want to see them even if there are no student nodes:

    select h.PlanCodeCode, b.amount, b.pcode, h.child1_amount, h.child2_amount
     from   t
        cross join
        xmltable(xmlnamespaces(default ''),
                 passing t.xml
                 columns PlanCodeCode varchar2(100)  path './PlanCode/@PlanCodeCode',
                         attributes xmltype path './PlanCode',
                         child1_amount number path './PlanCode/S_DAYS[@PCODE="Child1"]/AdditonalFare/AdditonalFareAmount/@Amount',
                         child2_amount number path './PlanCode/S_DAYS[@PCODE="Child2"]/AdditonalFare/AdditonalFareAmount/@Amount'
                ) h
        left join xmltable(xmlnamespaces(default ''),
                 passing h.attributes
                 columns node_level for ordinality
                        , amount number path '@Amount'
                        , pcode  varchar2(10) path './../../@PCODE'
                ) b on 1=1;

    Incidentally, as you're on 12c you can use cross apply and outer apply - the latter instead of the outer join with dummy on 1=1 condition.

    select h.PlanCodeCode, b.amount, b.pcode, h.child1_amount, h.child2_amount
     from   t
        cross apply
        xmltable(xmlnamespaces(default ''),
                 passing t.xml
                 columns PlanCodeCode varchar2(100)  path './PlanCode/@PlanCodeCode',
                         attributes xmltype path './PlanCode',
                         child1_amount number path './PlanCode/S_DAYS[@PCODE="Child1"]/AdditonalFare/AdditonalFareAmount/@Amount',
                         child2_amount number path './PlanCode/S_DAYS[@PCODE="Child2"]/AdditonalFare/AdditonalFareAmount/@Amount'
                ) h
        outer apply xmltable(xmlnamespaces(default ''),
                 passing h.attributes
                 columns node_level for ordinality
                        , amount number path '@Amount'
                        , pcode  varchar2(10) path './../../@PCODE'
                ) b;

    Any of those get the same result with your sample data:

    :----------- | -----: | :---- | ------------: | ------------:
    CHOICE       | 150.05 | P123  |           100 |           130
    CHOICE       | 250.05 | P123  |           100 |           130
    CHOICE       | 150.05 | P1234 |           100 |           130
    CHOICE       | 250.05 | P1234 |           100 |           130
