I have a problem opening website https://servicebox.mpsa.com/ other site working fine like google, youtube ........ I'M USING cef_74.1; any ideas???
That website is asking for a username and a password.
You need to use the TChromium.OnGetAuthCredentials event. If you already know the username and password then add this code in that event :
callback.cont(MyUsername, MyPassword);
Result := True;
If the user has to type the username and password then copy the browser, originUrl, isProxy, host, port, realm, scheme and callback parameters into class fields, set Result to True and send a custom Windows message to the main form to show a custom form where the user can type his/her credentials.
When the user enters that information and presses the OK button then call :
callback.cont(Username, Password);
If the user presses the CANCEL button then call :
Read this pages for more information about that event and the "callback" parameter:
CEF 74 is outdated. Please, consider using the latest CEF4Delphi version available at GitHub.