sexo fecha colnames
96991 Hombres 2020-03-02 sexo
96992 Hombres 2020-03-02 fecha
96993 Hombres 2020-03-02 sexo
96994 Hombres 2020-03-02 fecha
96995 Hombres 2020-03-02 sexo
96996 Hombres 2020-03-02 fecha
I have this table and i want to gruop by "fecha" and count the "sexo" type, for example : The "fecha" 2020-03-02 it has 65 "hombre", 32 "mujeres" and 3 "Nan". In Rstudio.
I ma trying this code, but doesnt work:
na_Sexo_fecha %>%
group_by("fecha") %>%
summarize(contador = count(sexo))
We can use the n
function to do counting in a group.
na_Sexo_fecha %>%
group_by(fecha, sexo) %>%
summarize(contador = n())