I want to show KPIs (Key Performance Indicator) on my SharePoint. My Datasource will be my TFS (Azure DevOps). For example showing the planned and finished Tasks for a Sprint on SharePoint and generate a graph out of it.
I saw that in Microsoft PowerApps - which are integrateable in my SharePoint-View - there are DevOps-Connectors, but i didnt rly saw a possibility to aggregate my task-statistics (planned / finished in a sprint) and show them.
Writing a C#-Backend that has a TFS-Client running.
What is the best way to aggregate and show my tfs (azure devOps) statistics on my sharepoint page?
I'd recommend using Power BI, I use it for my Azure DevOps KPIs. You should be able to embed your Power BI reports within SharePoint easily. Power BI has ready-made connectors for aggregating work item data via the new Analytics Views preview feature. You'll want to start by enabling it within your Preview Features:
Once you have the feature enabled, create an analytics view that aggregates the data you'll use in Power BI (or use a default view):
After that, go ahead and open Power BI to connect to your Analytics View and start composing your KPI dashboard:
After you've finished your report, embed it within SharePoint: