I try to run a Kiosk System on a Raspberry Pi, Showing a Homepage with embedderd PDF-File.
I tried the systems FullpageOS and chilipie-kiosk. Both are using Chromium as Browser and the Displays Homepage uses the Build in PDF Viewer to display the PDF:
<object [data]="PdfURL" type="application/pdf" class="clientheight" width="100%">
<embed [src]="PdfURL" type="application/pdf" />
The problem is, both distributions will render the PDFs wrong. They make several text elements float in each other like this:
If I use Chromium on Windows or with the official "Raspberry Pi OS with desktop and recommended software" the PDF will be rendered as expected
I can't find any difference between the chromium at FullPageOS (witch I have builded based on the current version of Raspberry Pi OS) and the version of Raspberry Pi OS itself.
Maybe someone knows problems like this and can explain me, where it comes from and how to fix it.
In the first screenshot the text is rendered using Verdana while the second one uses Arial. It is possible that the font used for text is not embedded in the PDF file and each viewer uses its own default font (this is just a guess).
Please post a link to the PDF file to take a look at it.